Flower of the Day.

This water lily is native to Asian climes, but we found these in Nanaimo, B.C. Their unique colour made it hard to pass by. Open at night and closed by day. The underside of the pads and the stalks are covered in tiny hairs, which gives the plant an other name, ‘the hairy water lily’.DSC_0517



Water, water every where, dare any a drop to drink….


With apologies to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, we live, for the most part in a very watery world. It is the giver of life; but for how much longer?  The level of pollution in our streams, lakes and oceans is simply not apparent to most people. We grab our glass or bottle of highly processed H2O and think nothing of it.

And yet, for the most part, we, and the environment around us flourish. For now. dsc_0281

Water can be for fun/pleasure, a sustainer of life, a safe environment for wildlife, provider of food, a means of employment, a thing of beauty, and a destroyer of life.

As for myself, and I hope also for most of you who read this blog, the well has not run dry. I can only hope for future generations that the life stream will still be there.

So raise your glass with the elixir of life, but remember, fish were there first, and we all know what they do in water!!H2O